Monday, March 7, 2011

Week with Grammy!

The boys spent the week with Grammy, baking daily, visiting Great-Aunt Joanne, taking a tour of Grammy-s work, splashing around at Key Lime Cove, and enjoying playing Woody and Buzz!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jump Zone!

On Thursday, we went to Jump Zone for Open Play! This place is a cross between Monkey Joes and Pump It Up. The boys would like to have their birthday party here! We picked up Raychael, a friend of the boys, and Uncle John before heading to jump! What did I learn??? Ryan is fearless and Kyle is definitely more reserved. He was unsure about going on any of the blow ups without his Mommy regardless if Raych or Ry went. Once I went with him a few times, he opened up and enjoyed the day!
Ryan is wearing blue/black and Kyle yellow/blue