Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 2011

February dumped tons of snow on us....and then we ended it by going to KeyLime Cove with the Pierces. The boys had a wonderful time! They are still a bit hesitant of the water...but like the kiddie pools that are 2 feet or less and the water slides.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

Unfortunately...our parents are out of town so they are not able to experience this storm first hand (lucky them). Here are some pictures taken at around 8:30 a.m. on Feb 2, 2011.

Here is an update at 11:30 a.m. Now the work begins!

Snow drift on the side of our garage.

Not too much of a drift in our driveway so you can see how much actual snow fell by looking at the basketball pole.

It was a "sight to see" this morning at 6:30 when I tried to let the dogs out of all three doors and was greeted with this scene.

Ryan stomping the snow.

Kyle using the snow drift as a slide. WEEE

Boys trying to climb the drift.

Ryan really wanted to get "up" on top of the snow. Once he did...he wasn't to happy with the results.

Both boys ready to help Daddy shovel.

Toy Story on Ice

The boys had a great time with the whole Pierce clan on Saturday. Both were mesmerized by the "real" Buzz, Woody, and Jessie! Yes...Jessie. We even bought a snow cone that was served in a JESSIE cup. They love her hair. The toy of choice was Buzz"s lazer gun. It is pretty harmless...and it is neat to see them pretending to be Buzz.