Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Evening

We celebrated Christmas evening with the Gogliotti family. The boys were troopers and hung in for two straight nights of fun!

Christmas Morning

Ryan with "Uncle John's" motorcycle that he wanted.

Kyle with the football he asked Santa for.

Christmas tree after Santa came!

Christmas tree with just gifts from us.

Christmas Eve!

Ryan and Kyle had a great Christmas Eve with their grandparents and Great Grandparents. Ryan enjoyed watching the train go around the tree. Kyle had a blast riding the "elevator" up and down the stairs. Both boys had a fancy dinner...mac n cheese. Kyle got a green garbage truck from Grandpa and Ryan got a red fire truck from Grandma.

Our first week off..

Boys enjoyed making Christmas cookies! They ate about half of the M&Ms, but that is the fun of baking. We also took the Metra to Des Plaines to have lunch at the Choo Choo Restaurant. The boys actually ate the entire hot dog and bun!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Playing in the Snow

The boys enjoyed helping Daddy shovel the snow! Kyle played on the swings and went down the slide a few times.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Wonderfest

The boys had an amazing day at Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier! Snowball toss, Gumball Machine, candycane tunnels, Rudolph Train, Merry-Go-Round, and Christmas trees from many countries.