Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Little of Everything!

The boys enjoyed the morning at Brookfield Zoo with their cousin, Brady.

Kyle and Ryan enjoy Deike Park in Huntley. This park is like a mini amusement park. The "choo choo" is their favorite.

Kyle driving the tractor at Huntley Fest!

Ryan enjoying a ride on Thomas at the Illinois Railway Museum.

Kyle and Daddy on Thomas!

Ryan posing proudly at the Schaumburg Fire Department tour!

It is 6:30 and Ryan is tuning his guitar...

while Kyle is reading books on animals!

The boys climbed up to get yummy apples from the apple orchard!

Friday, September 17, 2010

All Seasons

Today I took the boys to All Seasons Farm to pick apples with my brother, John. We ended up feeding animals at the petting zoo, jumping on a big air pillow, posing on tractors, taking a tractor ride to the apple orchard, and picking apples. Here are a few pictures of this beautiful day! More to follow from orchard.