Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last Bit of Fun!

We headed to Lambs Farm on our last summer day! It was about 95 degrees and there wasn't a tree to be found, but that didn't stop the boys from having fun. They enjoyed the train around the park, merry-go-round, cow jump, and mini golf more than the actual animals (they were pretty slow due to the heat).

Ryan and Kyle enjoyed the afternoon with Grandpa, Grandma Julie, and Uncle "Jet" (Jeff) while I got my hair cut! They played at the park, went for a walk, hit golf balls, and put coins in Uncle Jeff's railroad piggy bank!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Truck Show

The boys had a great time at the St. Charles Big Truck Show. The garbage truck, school bus, fire truck, crane, and tractors were the boys favorites.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wisconsin Trip

We went on a family trip to Northern Bay WI with Grandpa, Grandma Julie, and Uncle Jeffrey. The resort was beautiful! Grandpa taught the boys how to hold the golf club with two hands. We spend our days at the beach and by the pool. The boys loved playing with the sand, but were hesitant to go into the water. They prefered shooting hoops at the pool. I also took the boys to Deer Park and they found a new favorite animal...however I wasn't sure how to respond to what sound a deer makes...hmmm.. any ideas! Over all, the boys had a fantastic mini vacation, slept well, had positive attitudes, and Matt and I actually relaxed as well!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Zoo and Boat

The boys woke up on Friday and said," Zoo..Zoo" so we went to the zoo for the first time this summer. The boys loved seeing the leopard upclose and the giraffes eating right in front of them. They were so close you could practically reach your hand out and touch them.

The boys enjoy spending the day on the boat! Kyle enjoys driving and pressing the horn, while Ryan swims with Daddy. Both boys fed the swans and their babies. The entire time they were saying, "Quack, Quack, Quack".