Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Fun!

This week the boys love hugging each other which makes Mommy extremely giddy. When the weather cooperates, sliding down the slide into the pool is their favorite activity at home. We also went to Pirates Cove with Grandpa and Grandma Julie. The boys loved the automatic and self propelled trains and the "horsies" (Merry Go Round). I think we went on each about 10 times!


Ryan and Kyle

Kyle and Ryan

Kyle saying "wheee" as he passed by!

Ryan moving along the track!

Kyle loves corn on the cob! As you can see, he didn't do so bad for his first time!

At the Randall Oaks Farm with Grandpa and Grandma Julie! The boys loved watching the pig sleep and snort. The pig next door, Maggie, just had 6 piglets on May 30th so of course that was a hit too!

Boys sharing their Fire Truck!

The sun just came up, it is 7:20a.m., and the boys are outside painting.

The boys love their new lion backpacks that they use when we go for walks. They think it is cool to take the lion for a walk and Mommy loves holding the lion's tail so the boys don't get to far away.

First boat ride of the 2010 season! Boys love driving and found the throttle and horn.