Sunday, January 17, 2010

Co Co Keys

Ryan is very serious!

Daddy with Kyle!

Mommy with Ryan!

Align CenterDaddy and Kyle in the pool!

The boys entering Parrot Perch!

Ryan was hesitant of the water at first. After he saw the ball...he was all for it!

Kyle loved the zero depth pool.

The spray holes were the boys favorite!

This weekend we took a drive to Rockford to visit the indoor water park , CoCo Keys. The boys were a bit overwhelmed at the beginning with all the slides, buckets, spray holes, lazy river, basketballs, etc. After about an hour of clinging tightly onto Matt and I, they decided to venture out on their own.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Firsts over winter break

Ryan using his new broom to help sweep the floor.

Kyle is very excited about cleaning and says "Cheese" when he is finished!

Both boys wanted to try out the potty for the first time! They didn't do much, but liked whiping, flushing, and washing their hands.

Kyle loves being with Payton. He even tries kissing her nose.

Both boys thought they were "hot stuff" when they got to drink lemon water out of a big boy glass.