Sunday, December 27, 2009

Xmas with the Keachers

We LOVE our Hot Wheel Jeeps! Mommy lets us ride around the basement.

We are exhausted after 3 hours of fun!

Of course, not ready for bed yet. We always catch a second wind!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Having fun in the snow!

Waiting for Santa to come bring presents!


Ryan was very happy with his new chair from Uncle Sean and Aunt Kris! He loved the Elmo toothbrush too.

Kyle trying to hang the giraffe ornament from Grandpa P.

WOW...we love this bouncer from the Uts!

It serves as a wrestling ring too!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boys at Heidi's

Ryan enjoys playing dress up with the kids at day care!

My two little Picassos

Kyle loved playing and throwing the leaves. Ryan wasn't to fond of the texture and wetness.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. Potato Pumpkin

Ryan loves taking Mr. Potato Pumpkin apart and putting him back together, somewhat like a puzzle!

The boys loved putting the pumpkin's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose in the correct spots!

Kyle couldn't get enough pictures with Mr. Potato Pumpkin! I think he now has an "imaginary" friend.

Daddy with Kyle.

Ryan being his silly self!

Boo at the Zoo

Ryan enjoying a ride out of the zoo! He had a great day!

Ryan (the giraffe) and Kyle (the dinosaur) enjoyed running around the zoo and cornmaze.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Ryan and Kyle picking the perfect pumpkin on the patch!

Mommy and Kyle searching for a pumpkin!

Daddy and Kyle

Family photo at the patch!

Mommy and Ryan at the end of the corn maze!

Mommy and Ryan on the barrel train!

Mommy and Kyle on the Jumbo Slide!

Kyle on the train!

Kyle was very serious in the corn maze.

We love having snack at our little kid table!

Kyle opening a package from Grandpa.

Kyle with Rachel at her birthday party!

The boys got frustrated because they couldn't keep their balance.

Daddy reading "And the Cow Said Moo" to the boys.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Day

We LOVE going to the park!

Kyle likes to hide out in the tunnels and play hide-n-seek!

Ryan wanted to try eating his sandwich like a big boy!

We worked up an appetite playing at the park.

Ryan had fun driving the ship!